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Reiki II




1 Day


About the Course

Reiki II explores the power of thought, belief, healing and other aspects of energy work. We build on further use of your intuition and confidence through healing sessions and use this exploration to understand other processes and abilities you have including:

·       The power of intent in the healing process

·       Traditional reiki symbols explored, creating your own  symbols

·       Exploring performing healing with or without touch

·        2nd Attunement – further tuning in to inner senses and your intent

·       Exploring distant healing

·       Meditation & self compassion

·       The power of thought

·       Working with your beliefs and feelings

·       Relaxation and fun

·       Training manual and certificate

By the end of Reiki II, the ideas explored may change your perception of your life or cement ideas that you already have. You will have gained more skills and tools for healing self and others. You will understand the benefits of using reiki in your daily life.

Reiki II is a day course; 9.45am - 5.00pm; small groups 4-6 people; with a one to one follow up consultation

 Free monthly reiki share group available to deepen your practice.

Your Instructor

Emma Southern

I am a Natural Reiki Practitioner and Teacher based in Brighton, UK. I practise both distant healing and in person healing. I am trained in mindfulness, self-compassion and meditation also.

Emma Southern
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