Welcome to The Natural Reiki Courses Reiki 1, Reiki 11, Reiki Master Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher Reiki is for all and no previous experience of a reiki treatment or training is necessary.
You will be introduced to your natural healing ability and see how effective it is! However if you never lay a hand on another as a healer, the courses are a great introduction to self-development and positive thinking.
Natural Reiki is a system of self-development.
The Reiki system can be viewed in two ways:
The energy healing therapy side – to help others
The search for greater understanding of self and happiness of self
The aims of the reiki courses are to introduce you to your natural healing ability; to help you know yourself and broaden your understanding of life. The therapy and treatment side will show you that you have greater powers than you may have thought and through performing treatments you will educate yourself in many ways; exploring the use of your inner senses and intuitive side of yourself. This automatically leads to relaxation, self-development and your journey of self-awareness and understanding.
The Natural Reiki system is based upon traditional teachings. The Natural Reiki system differs by recognising that the natural healing abilities are from within the person. The Natural Reiki system recognises it is the person tuning in to their inner senses, connecting with universal energy and their intent to help self or others that allows energy healing processes, relaxation and self-development to take place.
Reiki 1, Reiki 11, & Reiki Master Practitioners courses are all day courses; 9.45am - 5.00pm; small groups 4-6 people with a one to one follow up consultation. Reiki Master Teacher is a 2 day course. The courses are sequential.
I look forward to seeing you at one of my upcoming reiki courses. You’ll be amazed at your hidden talents! Emma x
Reiki I No prior experience necessary. You will be introduced to your natural healing ability and see how easy it is! Within an hour you will be healing with effect. The rest of the day is taken up in practice and exploration of intuition and including:
What is Reiki?
Exploring Universal Energy
Sensing Energy
Exploring the nature of illness
Reiki Ideals
Attunement process– tuning in to inner senses and your intent
Healing Practice for self and others
Hand positions for healing
Relaxation and fun
Training manual and certificate
By the end of Reiki 1, you’ll realise it’s an ongoing process, that you can adapt in your everyday life. You will have all the tools you need to become a healer and the course is a great introduction to relaxation, self-development, self-awareness, self-compassion, meditation and the power of your thoughts.
Next Dates: 9/3/25, 10/5/25, 5/07/25, 6/09/25, 2/11/25, 10/1/26 Cost:£225 (email for payment by installments) Free monthly reiki share group available to deepen your practice and understanding.
Note: To Book, click 'book now' and then locate your required date (from above) on the calendar. Then click 'Next' and booking for that date will then be possible. (Unfortunately the dates only appear otherwise until a week before the event!)
Reiki II
You explore the power of thought, belief, healing and other aspects of energy work. We build on further use of your intuition and confidence through healing sessions and use this exploration to understand other processes and abilities you have including:
The power of intent in the healing process
Traditional reiki symbols explored, creating your own symbols
Exploring performing healing with or without touch
2nd Attunement – further tuning in to inner senses and your intent
Exploring distant healing
Meditation & self-compassion
The power of thought
Working with your beliefs and feelings
Relaxation and fun
Training manual and certificate
By the end of Reiki 11, the ideas explored may change your perception of your life or cement ideas that you already have. You will have gained more skills and tools for healing self and others. You will understand the benefits of using reiki in your daily life.
Next Dates: 2/2/25, 4/5/25, 9/8/25, 8/11/25
Cost £225 (email for payments by installments)
Free monthly reiki share group available to deepen your practice. Completion of Level 1 required before commencing Level 2
Note: To Book, click 'book now' and then locate your required date (from above) on the calendar. Then click 'Next' and booking for that date will then be possible. (Unfortunately the dates only appear otherwise until a week before the event!)
Reiki Masters Practitioners is for those wishing to practice professionally or enhance your self-development and reiki journey creating the life you want including:
Exploring your Reiki journey so far
Setting up a business, clients, boundaries and legalities
What will your healing treatment sessions look like?
Healing Practice
Further symbology and master attunement process
Meditation & Self compassion
Belief systems & thoughts
Plan of Action
Intuition fun – happiness cards
Training manual and certificate
By the end of Reiki Practitioners you will have all the tools and confidence you need to set up your own business. You will have self-awareness, self-knowledge and can explore yourself through the experience of your thoughts, your beliefs and your inner senses, directing them to achieve whatever you want to achieve!
Reiki Practitioners is a day course; 9.45am - 5.00pm; small groups 4-6 people; with a one to one follow up consultation. Free monthly reiki share group available to deepen your practice.
Next dates: 8/3/25, 8/6/25, 7/9/25, 7/12/25 Cost£225 (email for payment by installments) Completion of Level 1 and 2 course required before commencing Reiki Practitioners
Note: To Book, click 'book now' and then locate your required date (from above) on the calendar. Then click 'Next' and booking for that date will then be possible. (Unfortunately the dates only appear otherwise until a week before the event!)